
🎭🥇 Congratulations to our talented Valley View Junior High Theatre Arts students, under the guidance of their dedicated directors Mr. Lerma and Mr. Garcia, for their outstanding achievement in winning 1st Place at the UIL One-Act Play competition! 🥇🎭

Their dedication, hard work, and passion for the arts, along with the guidance and mentorship provided by Mr. Lerma and Mr. Garcia, have truly paid off, showcasing their exceptional talent and commitment to excellence. This remarkable accomplishment is a testament to their talent and the incredible support of our theatre directors, teachers, and staff.

We are incredibly proud of each and every one of our students and directors who participated in this production. Your creativity, teamwork, and perseverance have not only earned you this well-deserved victory but have also inspired us all.

A huge round of applause to our Junior High Theatre Arts team and their directors, Mr. Lerma and Mr. Garcia, for their incredible accomplishment! Let's celebrate their success and continue to support and encourage their artistic endeavors.

#UILOneActPlay #ValleyViewJuniorHigh #Congratulations 🎉🎭🥇