
The Ascender Enterprise system is the most comprehensive enterprise information system available and is specifically designed to meet the needs of Texas school operations. It can service the needs of districts from 300 students to 70,000 students


Ascender Teacher Portal is an integrated classroom management system that allows teachers to maintain and post student data, including attendance and grades. This application also allows you to receive transfer students and produce Interim Progress Reports (IPRs). Various inquiry pages allow you to view student demographic data, contact information, attendance records, schedules, photographs, and TAKS scores.


The Ascender Enterprise system Employee Access.


Parent Portal is an application that provides parents and guardians Web access to current school-related information about their students, including attendance, grades, and assignments.


Ascender Student Portal is a student application that provides students Web access to request courses for the next school year. Students may access the student portal from anywhere with an Internet connection (school or home).